Thursday, May 21, 2015

Final Reflection and Game Planning just finished your final formal summative assessment.  All that is left is to design and build your carnival game.

Task #1: End of Year Reflection

After each unit, you have completed a Learning Behaviour Reflection.  Now I would like you to reflect on your entire year and think about the level of responsibility, organization, collaboration, and reflection that you have demonstrated as a math learner. Complete the survey below:

Task #2: Start Thinking About Your Game

Next class, we are going to start building our games. Before that time, you should start thinking about some ideas.  Remember that you are going to be with a partner so you will need to come up with a compromise.

Here are some things to consider:

  • Think about what game elements you want to use - coins, dice, spinners, cards, or marbles.
  • Your game should have two different actions to it. For example, you might flip a coin and spin a spinner OR you might pick 2 marbles from the same bag of marbles.
  • You should have a cool name and/or theme for your game.
Check out these examples of games that have met expectations and have been exemplary to give you some ideas of what students have done in the past:

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