Monday, December 15, 2014

Unit 3 Consolidation Day

Main Objective:

The main goal for today is to consolidate our understanding of ratios, proportions, and percentages in order to be prepared for our unit test on Wednesday.

Part 1: Do Now

Try to answer each of the questions below in your squarebook.

When you are finished, try to think about how each of the two questions are connected to each other in terms of how you work with percentages.

Part 2:  Preparing for your assessment

One of the main problems that students encounter when preparing for a math assessment is that they engage in only PASSIVE studying when what they need to be doing is ACTIVE studying.  Below is a list of things that would be considered PASSIVE and ACTIVE studying techniques.

Passive Studying Techniques (20% of your time)
  • Reading your notes
  • Reading blog posts
  • Reading your textbook
  • Watching YouTube videos
Active Studying Techniques (80% of your time)
  • Doing the Review Package handed out in class
  • Working through the MathXL For School Study Plan
  • Redoing the questions from your Mid-Unit Assessment
  • Working through ACE questions
What you MUST do before next class:
  • Complete your preparation for the Unit Test on Wednesday
  • Here are the answers to the Review Package.

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