Tuesday, November 4, 2014

3.3 and 3.4 Dividing Integers

Before we get started today, we are going to talk a little bit about home base.  Here is the link to the survey that I would like you to do afterwards.

Now...on to division.

Do Now:

Here is a quick modelling warm-up for you to get your math juices flowing:

Applying Division:

We are going to take another look at our math relay course from last class and try to develop some rules for dividing integers.  You can work through each of the examples below:

Creating Rules:

Using the number sentences that you have created for your models as well as the number sentences that you created for the relay race, see if you can create a set of rules that can be applied to dividing integers.


Complete the "Zorna" page.  Check with me when you have completed it.

More Practice:

Find a partner at your table group who will play the Integer Game with you.  Click on the image below to take you to this game.

What you MUST do before next class:

  • Complete the "Zorna" worksheet and glue it in your book.
  • ACE (15-18) (36)
  • Watch the video on Order of Operations and complete the notetaker.

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