Thursday, October 2, 2014

1.4 In The Chips

Focus Question:  How can you use a "Chip" model to add and subtract integers.


In this lesson we are going to use a "chip" or "counter" model to help us develop some strategies for adding and subtracting integers.  Here are some key concepts that you will need to know for this lesson.

Opposites - two numbers that are the same distance from zero, but on opposite sides.  For example, +5 and -5 are opposites.

Zero Pair - When a pair of opposites are added together, the sum is always zero.
For example,  +5 + (-5) = 0

Add - to "add on to" an initial value

Subtract - to "take away" from an initial value

For this lesson you can use either a physical chip board or a virtual chip board.  The virtual chip board can be found by clicking the image below.

As a class we will work through a couple of examples together from each of tasks A-D.

This is what you MUST do before next class:

  • Complete Tasks A-D (E and F are optional extension activities) on pages 18 and 19 (Should be done in class)
  • Complete ACE (49-55) (Should be done in class)
  • Make a Blog Post that answers the investigation 1 reflection questions on page 28.  Remember to label it. (Should be started in class)

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