Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Using Deduction in Geometry


The main goal for today is to piece together our learning from the unit so far especially in terms of how it relates to interior vs exterior angles, the sum of angles in a polygon and communicating our thinking about geometry to others.

Summative Assessments:

We now have two summative assessments under our belt which means that there is now a pattern that is forming.  I challenge you to take a look at that pattern and decide whether you are proud of that pattern, or not so proud of that pattern.

If You Are Proud of the Pattern:

  • Keep up the great work
  • Keep practicing your skills
  • Keep allowing yourself to be challenged and keep taking mathematical risks.

If You Are NOT Proud of the Pattern

  • You can do something about it such as....
    • Redo your blogpost based on my feedback.  Some sample blog posts that Meet Expectations are HERE and HERE and some that are Exemplary can be found HERE and HERE.
    • Complete your TOFU and redo your quiz
    • Ask for help...it's my job to help you and I will help as long as you keep asking.

Digital Design Challenge

More Turtle Art....Yippee.

For this part of the lesson, you are going to try to replicate some designs that I have drawn using TurtleArt.  Pay close attention to the information that you are given in the design.  Write a single line of code for each shape on the same file and save it.


What you MUST do:
  • Complete TOFU for your quiz.  Even if you are not planning on redoing this assessment.
  • Complete the front side of the Digital Design Challenge.
What you CAN do:
  • Redo your blogpost by the end of the week.  Email me, if you have done this.
  • If you are planning on redoing your quiz, check the calendar to see available time slots.  You will also need to do the following:
    • Make sure that you have completed all previous HW assignments (Check PowerSchool)
    • Have one of your parents sign your TOFU
    • Bring the original quiz and your TOFU with you to the retake.

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