Thursday, August 14, 2014

Welcome to Math 7

This is going to be a great year for all of us together in Math 7.  I am excited and hopefully you are too...even if it is just a little bit.

This is my blog.  This is a great place for you to come and get a recap of what took place in class.  Sometimes you will need to come here to access files that you will be using in class or at home for homework.

Objective: Get ready for the year.

  1. Find your seat for the first unit.  Groups are arranged by colors.  The colors are found by looking at the signs above the table groups.
  2. Get supplies. Somebody from you group will need to collect a "Squarebook" for each person in your group.  Somebody different will need to collect a "Red Folder" for everybody in your group. 
  • Label your "Squarebook" and "Red Folder"
    • Your Name
    • Math 7
    • Mr. Raymaakers M327
  1. Textbooks.  There is a mini-textbook for each unit this year.  You can take your book home with

    you, but you MUST remember to bring it to school each day.  Use the "Red Folder" to keep the book safe.  It will cost you $20, if you lose or significantly damage your book.
  • Label your Textbook on the inside cover
    • Your Name - Mr. Raymaakers

  1. Course Outline

What you MUST do before next class:

  1. Complete the "Shapes and Design Unit Readiness" assessment.  I will be collecting these next class.
  2. Bookmark my blog so that you can find it throughout the year.
  3. Add a comment to the bottom of my blog.  In the comment, write one word that describes how you feel about math this year and explain why you feel this way.
What you CAN do before next class:
  1. Try to find a solution to the "Stepping Stone" Problem.


  1. Psyched. I am really excited about working with everybody this year and having all of us grow in our understanding of math.

  2. Anticipating. I'm a bit nervous about Math this year as it isn't my strong subject but I'm really excited to learn and get better at it.

  3. Exciting and nervous. I am nervous because I am really terrible at math, and I've forgotten many things I learned last year in math. But, I am also excited to learn new things and new ways to solve problems.

  4. Interested as i'm curious what British and American schools do differently, for example the workings might be different.

  5. homework. I sometimes forget to do my homework which can get annoying so this year i plan on setting up a system to not forget, this year i'll try harder.

  6. Anxious and excited. I'm excited to start learning, but I"m also anxious because math was never my best subject but I'm really hoping to improve this year!

  7. Anxious. I am really worried that I will be behind everyone and that I won't get good grades. Math isn't exactly my forte but I am kind of excited to see what we learn and how I improve throughout the course of the year. <3

  8. Nervous. I am kind of nervous to because I know that I am going to have push myself hard if I want to pass math class

  9. Im feeling nervous because I'm not the best at math and I got brainwashed and forgot everything i learned but im also excited to see what we would be doing this year.

  10. Anxious
    I'm intreasted in Math this year but i'm also scared beacause this is 7th grade and its going to be harder

  11. I'm anxious because I am ready to learn but I am nervous about like grades and homework so I'm really just mixed emotions.

  12. Im nervous because its a new school and a new school year.

  13. I feel that this year is going to be very productive with all of us working together her as a team I think that this year will fly by with flawless progress.

  14. I think that this year is going to be fun and education filled at the same time. My one word to describe how I feel about math right now is anxious because I want to learn but I feel like somethings might be a bit hard.

  15. I'm nervous about math this year, because I'm at a new school and don't know about everything yet.

  16. My word for math is improvement because I am looking to improve this year and get a better grade than last year in math. Also, I feel like math isn't my strongest subject, so I really want to improve on my math skills.

  17. Im nervous and excited, Im nervous because like most kids i want to get good grades, i'm anxious also because i'm excited to learn new things

  18. I feel radical because I feel good about math this year, and I think it is going to be fun.

  19. I am scared because I am worried I won't understand the concept as quickly as I should.

  20. I'm anxious because math is in between my strong suit and one of my worse subjects

  21. My word for math is mad/frustraded because I know that I'm good at it, but sometimes i make careless mistakes

  22. I am anxious because I am worried that I am going to get a bad grade

  23. My word is nervous. I was nervous last year as well, but not so much this year because I know how math works in middle school now. I feel slightly more confident this year.

  24. I am excited for math because I like math and I want to experience different ways of learning math with different teachers

  25. I'm reluctant because sometimes I find math hard and I'm worried about my grades that I'll get but also pretty excited.

  26. I am quite excited but nervous as well because math is one of my best subject in my other school but am nervous because I haven't learn the math that this school taught during 6th grade

  27. I am Nervous because in the past couple of years math has been one of my least favorite subjects and had kind of bored but i am also hopeful that this year will be diffrent

  28. Determined my grades will improve, Hopeful I can succeed, and Ready to learn

  29. I am Confident about math this year since last year, I got nothing but A's and B's in math. I feel that I can be able to achieve the same thing this year.

  30. I am scared becuase math is not one of my favs subject but I am willing to learn new things.

  31. anxious: i am excited to learn new things in math, but i am also kind of nervous about keeping my grades up.(:

  32. i am excited to lean new things this year

  33. I am Excited because we will carry on what we learned last year and we will learn I hope a lot of new things this year!

  34. interesting because though it may be challenging its also fun

  35. Nervous because I really want to exceed in math this year and if this is a good year, i could get in Honor Roll and ISTA. That would be pretty cool.

  36. excited because I love math and love learning about it

  37. I feel Determined I will try to make my grades improve, Hopeful I can succeed.

  38. confident, because last year i didn't do the best in math because I wasn't confident, but this year i am ready and much more confident!

  39. Nervous and excited because I'm like to learn math but I'm a little psyched about the homework, and Pop Quizes. But I'll give it my best shot.

  40. Excited and nervous beacuse i'm excited for the rest of the year but nervous about my grades.

  41. overwhelmed - i am very excited for math this year but there is so much gpoing on already in 7th grade and i am just a little nervous about getting everything done and handed in on time.

  42. I'm excited to learn some new math vocab and problems, but also I'm worried about getting a good grade on math tests. ;D

  43. I'm a bit nervous- last year math wasn't my best subject (as in grades), so this year I hope I'll get a better grade.

  44. I'm nervous and excited:I'm nervous because math isn't a subject i'm best at ,but i'll improve and try my best.
    Excited: I'm excited because i'm looking forward to a challenging year of math

  45. This year for math I feel nervous and nxious cause I guess I'm just worried for the tests

  46. I am sort of anxious but I am also excited. I am not the best at math, but I am hoping to improve. I am excited to get that feeling when you got the problem right with no help.

  47. I am nervous and thrilled that i am doing math with a really fun teacher but math isnt my favorite subjuct

  48. I am enthusiastic about math this year

  49. Exited because I think we are going to do a lot this year.

  50. I was anxious and happy because I didn't know if it was going to be easy or if it would be hard. And if we had a test, if it was easy or not.

  51. I feel excited about this year of math because last year my math grade was ok and I feel that I can do well in this subject even tho I tend to slip up a little.

  52. I feel nervous because some of the work might be hard for me and maybe I might not catch up.

  53. Fun-because it is fun and i like math

  54. I was wondering do kids have to come to back to school night

  55. Excited-because its a new school year and a new maths class

  56. Exited to learn new material but also scared of getting bad grades.
